Victoria, Nov 27. The Australian Industry Group congratulates the Andrews Government on its victory at the Victorian State elections yesterday.
“The Premier Mr Andrews, and indeed the entire Government, should be congratulated for the strong support and vote of confidence it received from the electorate to achieve the rare milestone of a third consecutive election victory,” the Victorian Head of the Australian Industry Group, Tim Piper, said today.
“A majority Labor Government will give certainty of policy that will give clarity to the business community as to the Government’s direction, which is especially important.
“We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Andrews Government toward ensuring that the economy becomes resilient, and that businesses are encouraged to thrive in Victoria.
“There are, of course, numerous headwinds that must considered by the Government, not least of which is the huge state debt that must be managed, a need to keep state costs to a minimum, aligning energy costs and demand to the need and capability to pay and continuing to develop skills in the state, ” Mr Piper said.
Mr Piper urged the Government to not introduce new taxes, but also not to increase existing taxes.
“We note the Premier’s comments that he will govern for all Victorians. It is important that the Government acts on this sentiment and works to end the sense of division some feel within the State to enable the entire community to be focused on and share in future success. That includes working cohesively with the new Federal Government, but also with other state governments in Australia,” he said.
“We thank the Leader of the Liberal Party, Matthew Guy, for his efforts on behalf of the Victorian community. He worked hard to offer Victoria an alternative Government and we know how difficult and important the Opposition role can be. Following Mr Guy’s decision to stand down, his replacement will need to refocus on the electorate and continue to ensure there are strong Opposition voices in Parliament,” Mr Piper said.